Showing 1 - 25 of 1,617 Results
Catalogue of Hispidæ in the Collection of the British Museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781174869723 List Price: $25.75
Catalogue of the African Plants by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781174859847 List Price: $33.75
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781174865763 List Price: $51.75
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum: Passeriformes, Or Perching Birds. Coliomorphe,... by Sharpe, Richard Bowdler, Br... ISBN: 9781142915612 List Price: $33.75
Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs in the British Museum (Natural History). by Oates, Eugene William, Brit... ISBN: 9781147896152 List Price: $35.75
Catalogue of the Mesozoic plants in the Department of geology, British museum (Natural histo... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178316841 List Price: $37.75
Catalogue of diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the collection of the British museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177806473 List Price: $30.75
Illustrations of typical specimens of Coleoptera in the collection of the British Museum; Pa... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177213875 List Price: $20.75
Guide to the gallery of birds in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177210409 List Price: $17.75
Guide to the specimens illustrating the races of mankind (anthropology), exhibited in the De... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178052930 List Price: $17.75
Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Supplement by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178450187 List Price: $52.75
A monograph of the Mycetozoa: a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Herbarium of the... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177225007 List Price: $41.75
Guide to the galleries of reptiles and fishes in the Department of Zoology of the British Mu... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177210768 List Price: $20.75
Guide to the galleries of reptiles and fishes in the Department of zoology of the British mu... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177681841 List Price: $20.75
A guide to the fossil mammals and birds in the Department of geology and paleontology in the... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178322781 List Price: $20.75
Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British museum (Natural history) .. by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178265279 List Price: $35.75
Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177830706 List Price: $43.75
Catalogue of the specimens of heteropterous-Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museu... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178429831 List Price: $24.75
List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British M... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781178057751 List Price: $39.75
Guide to the shell and starfish galleries (Mollusca, Echinodermata, Vermes) in the Departmen... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781177210249 List Price: $18.75
List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the Museum : Olividæ 1865 by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781174229541 List Price: $15.75
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum : Passeriformes, or Perching Birds. Fringillifo... by Sharpe, Richard Bowdler, Br... ISBN: 9781174423673 List Price: $59.75
List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum by Gray, George Robert, Britis... ISBN: 9781174519499 List Price: $59.75
Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria and Supplement of the Blattari in the Co... by Walker, Francis, British Mu... ISBN: 9781175061423 List Price: $26.75
Catalogue of the African Plants by Rendle, A. b. 1865-1938, Br... ISBN: 9781175061584 List Price: $24.75
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